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Don’t consider this a professional obligation, consider this a professional opportunity!

Posted about 12 years ago by Wendy Rusin

Elections for the 2012 UNP board are soon approaching and now is your chance to nominate yourself or a friend. Becoming a board member allows you the opportunity to mingle with other professionally active NPs and to learn more about NP related political issues on both the state and national level. Most importantly, this is an opportunity for you to make a difference in your profession. Hurry! There is only 1 week left to nominate yourself or a friend for a board position on the only state wide nurse practitioner group in Utah. To nominate yourself or a friend, please write a professional biographical paragraph and state which position you are seeking: President elect, Secretary or one of two available board positions (1 year term as Communication chair and 2 year position as Education chair). Please send all nominations to:

 The President elect:

The President-Elect shall be a member of the Board of Directors for the term of one year. The President-Elect shall be a voting member of the Board. The President-Elect shall succeed to the office of President (one year) then serve in the role of Immediate Past President (one year). The President-Elect shall be a member of the Board of Directors. In the absence of the President the President-Elect shall preside at meetings. The President-Elect has the right to vote unless presiding and in this event shall vote only in the case of a tie.


The Secretary shall be a member of the Board of Directors for a two year term.  The Secretary shall be a voting member of the Board. The Secretary shall record the minutes of meeting and review and distribute them to the board for review.

Board Member:

The Board members shall be a member for either a one or two year term. The board members shall be voting members of the board.  The board members shall be present for all board meeting representing their area of interest.  If they are unable to be present, they may send a knowledgeable representative in their place. They shall work in conjunction with the committee chairs whose committees are under their jurisdiction.