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Nurse Practitioner Healthcare Foundation Free Opioid CE

Posted 4 months ago in Education

The Nurse Practitioner Healthcare Foundation is offering a free grant funded CE that meets the DEA requirement for training on opioid substance use disorders- Navigating the Opioid Crisis: Insights into Prescription-Related Challenges and Solutions for the Surgical Healthcare Team

You can access the course at this link: HTTPS:// You will be asked to create an account and the course will be available. 

Navigating the Opioid Crisis: Insights into Prescription-Related Challenges and Solutions for the Surgical Health Care Team.

Release Date: April 1, 2024

Expiration Date: April 1, 2026


This educational series is specifically designed for the surgical healthcare team, focusing on optimizing opioid prescribing practices and enhancing pain management strategies within the surgical setting. Our goal is to empower the surgical team with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the challenges of pain management, while minimizing the risks associated with opioid use.

Learning Objective

Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:

  • Describe the impact of the opioid crisis on individuals, families, and communities.
  • Integrate Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) principles into surgical practices.
  • Apply multimodal pain management approaches tailored for surgical patients to effectively manage pain with minimal opioid use.
  • Describe effective communication techniques between clinicians and patients.