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Members needed: DHHS Health Care Facilities Licensing Committee

Posted 4 months ago

Hello Utah Nurse Practitioners, 

Below is an opportunity to represent nurse practitioners on a state licensing committee. Please consider this opportunity to advocate for nurse practitioners! If you do apply, please contact UNP so we are aware of the application/appointment and representation. 

Thank you! 

The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Office of Licensing (OL) is looking for applicants to represent their respective professions on the Health Care Facility Licensing Committee.

The state of Utah is required to have a committee of 12 members appointed by the governor in consultation with the DHHS executive director. These members work with the Office of Licensing to advise on the rules related to health care facility licensing. You can find more details about the committee’s purpose in Article II of the Health Facilities Bylaws.

The committee meets in person quarterly in Salt Lake City, with an option to attend virtually. The meetings are open to the public. 

The current open positions are:

  • Representative of Ambulatory Surgical Centers affiliated with a hospital

  • Assisted Living Facility Representative

  • Physician, licensed to practice medicine

  • Registered Nurse, Licensed to practice

  • Representative of Freestanding Ambulatory Surgical Facilities

If you or someone you know is interested in filling one of the following vacant positions:

Thank you for your consideration.