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2024 Legislative Report and Updated Bylaws

Posted 9 months ago by Melissa J Hinton

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Dear Colleagues,

BYLAWS: We have attached the updated Bylaws which can also be found on the Home page under "About Utah Nurse Practitioners." 

LEGISLATION: We have also attached our Legislative Report/Updates in PDF. You can also see the report HERE or under the "Legislation/Legislative Efforts."  There were over 80 bills that involved NP practice this year.

Please contact and get to know your Senator and Representative so that you can help shape legislation. It takes just 3 texts, emails, phone calls, or personal visits to make a difference ... that's less that 10 MINUTES per year! Just introduce yourself, tell them about your practice, and issues that may plague your practice. Click HERE to find out who represents you.

MEMBERSHIP: Your membership strengthens your voice in legislation and representation. Our membership is down. The pandemic caused losses in all organizations across the US. Now, It's time to update your membership and consider doing an autopay option.. Our goal is to reach 30% membership out of our 5,700 NPs in Utah.  

COST: The states around Utah have 30% membership; ours is significantly less that this. Did you know that UNP dues are among the LOWEST in the entire United States at only $90/year, $45 for students and affiliate members? Check out the benefits that membership gives back to you. We know that everyone is busy with work and family as well as activities, but without your support, we cannot pay for our lobbyists. They work closely with us and have been a key factor in our recent wins at the State Capitol. 

The Annual Pharmacology Conference was wonderfully successful. Attendees received 11 pharmacology Contact Hours, heard state and nationally-renowned speakers, and opioid training that can be used for the required license and controlled substance hours. Thanks to everyone who worked all year to create an exciting conference with applicable content! As UNP members, there is a discount for the pharmacology conference each year. Watch for next year's registration...

Have a safe and fun summer!

UNP Board, Legislative Committee, Membership Liaison, and Pharmacology Conference Committee