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University of Utah (U of U) / Juvenile Justice Service (JJS) project: Screening for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea in Utah's Juvenile Justice population.

Posted about 7 years ago by Daphne Solomon

The UNP supports the University of Utah (U of U) / Juvenile Justice Service (JJS) project: Screening for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea in Utah's Juvenile Justice population.

Five reasons to support this project are:

  • It maintains CDC standards in Utah’s  juvenile justice population
  • The positivity rate among the JJS youth throughout the state is 11.7%. This includes rural areas. 22% of females in JJS have either CT or GC or both
  • We have a >95% treatment rate currently.
  • Funds stay within government agencies such as state and local health departments, the State lab and  U of U  and JJS staff. Only non-state entity is Fed-Ex in some rural clinics.
  • The money is managed by JJS in a separate fund from their general fund. All spending must be approved by JJS administration.

This is an appropriations bill and is being prioritized on February 14, 2017 by the Executive Offices and Criminal Justice Appropriations Subcommittee.

We urge UNP members and non-members alike to contact the subcommittee legislators and ask for their support of this important project.

Legislators on the subcommittee: