Stay Connected

Presidents Message - Janet Crawford April 2024

Posted about 2 months ago by Janet Crawford

As spring blossoms and Easter approaches, let's take a moment to appreciate our colleagues and the vital work we do as Nurse Practitioners. Look around you - are you a member of UNP? Are your colleagues? I'm proud to be a member of UNP, Utah's professional organization for Nurse Practitioners. I encourage you to join us.

UNP membership offers countless benefits, from networking opportunities and educational resources to advocacy and support. For example, attending the upcoming Pharmacology conference will give you the chance to stay current on the latest pharmacological developments. Don't miss this valuable opportunity to enhance your skills and knowledge.

I know from personal experience that UNP membership and conference attendance have been invaluable to my growth as a healthcare provider. The connections I've made and the knowledge I've gained have been essential in my practice.

So, I urge you to consider joining UNP and participating in the Pharmacology conference. It's an investment in your profession and in the care you provide to your patients. Let's come together to learn, grow, and support one another as we navigate the evolving landscape of healthcare.